What To Do When You Want To Quit


If you have been in business for any amount of time you will run into the self-doubt of should I quit, is what am I doing even matter, hasn't it all been done before?

I have found in my own experience and with coaching women that when we feel like quitting it’s typically because of 1 of four things.

You are uninspired

You are burnt out

You aren't making the amount of money you want to be making

Other people opinions are affecting you

In this episode, I run through action items you can take when each of these cases pops up how to overcome them. I also discuss when to know if it’s time for you to make a pivot in your business.

And remember…

Don’t quit on your worst day, 6 figures takes time, your journey is yours alone.

Need help getting through the quitting blues?

Check out my newest one on one support coaching offers HERE!